Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Halitosis or BAD BREATH is a problem affecting thousands of people according to the TV show DRs that airs daily at 3 PM EST on CBS. The quick and simple remedy that the visiting Dentist offered was to use a tongue scrapper with a spray solution called BreathRx which can be found in Google Search (we do not sell it) use as directed
and you should have fresh breath!

So, why do we have halitosis? According to the dentist, bacteria! And the pictures were gross! I can’t even begin to imagine swapping spit ever after seeing the critters that are attacked to us! All kidding aside however, the young man they had on the show seemed to be pleasantly surprised and seemed fresher after just one scrap?

NOTE: The Dentist did say that brushing your tongue is not an effective solution because all it does is to push the bacteria around on your tongue and does not get rid of the bacteria properly, thus continued halitosis! The doctor also suggested chewing sugar free gum throughout the day.

http://www.drugstore.com/ has a BreathRx kit for 9.99.
http://www.discusdental.com/ Discusdental seems to offer scrapers separate from the kit? http://www.dimensionsofdentalhygiene.com/ is another website to search?

Please note that this is not an endorsement for any supplier of the BreathRx product. This was the product used and recommended on the TV show.

Also it appears that there is a preference to the type of tongue scraper. There are different models of course (and they are cheap) and from what we can tell it is just a matter of preference as to type and ease of use. One scraper requires both hands (the type used on the TV show) the other type is a one handed model that some apparently find easier to use. Personally I would experiment with both to determine which one is best for you, in terms of effectiveness and ease of use. Good Luck and good breath with that new smile!

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