Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Will You Get Your Share!

According to Presidential Adviser and noted Economist, Paul Zane Pilzer

“The market for wellness-related products will account for 1/7th of the US economy by 2010 – over $1 Trillion Dollars.” Then it will double by 2016!

How does NHR Products and compensation compare?

The Average networking company pays out 38% that $38.00 out of every $100 spent.

The Actual Pay out for NHR is over 65%

One of the most generous compensation plans in the industry.

There are 4 Payouts….

Fast Start Bonus
Residual Income
EPI-Center Multiplier
Infinity Bonus...they are easy to understand a can pay out amazing income, month after month, year after year...

Plus the products are second to none and so low cost they are not to be believed!

  • Contains Every Essential Nutrient in Nature's Perfect Balance*Vitamins *Macro Minerals *Trace Minerals *Amino Acids *Essential Fatty Acids *Enzymes
  • Cleanses the Colon and Normalizes pH Levels.*Facilitates Elimination *Improves Absorption *Enhances Assimilation
  • Supports the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems.*Detoxifies *Promotes Healing *Nourishes
  • Supports the Immune System*Fortifies the body with essential nutrients needed to fight disease.
  • Supports the Nervous System.*Fight the effects of stress *Improves vitality*Promotes a feeling of well-being
  • Supports Metabolic Processes.*Facilitates Digestion *Reduces Cravings *Nourishes the Glandular System
  • Increases Oxygen at the Cellular Level.*Promotes Energy *Promoted Stamina *Combats Aging*Supports Memory
  • Excellent Source of Antioxidants.*Contains free radical scavengers known to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and strokes

Listen when you can offer health, wellness and wealth all in the same package with an unconditional money back guarantee, how can you lose?

Just imagine being part of a company who helps you help yourself and others at a price so affordable that its unbelievable! You can offer a product that everyone needs at a price so low that if they refuse they are rejecting life not You! Plus with a 60 day empty bottle guarantee they can't lose.

Hey, try taking your empty hard pill vitamin bottle back to the drug store or health food store for a refund, right, right, right...if you feel like being laughed at go ahead make their day.

The NHR SUCCESS FORMULA in a nutshell...

Create Superior Mainstream Products
Price them for the massess
Create a Business Opportunity for everyone...

Its Free to get in, and affordable to stay in while building an empire using a 2X12+ Matrix...
that helps everyone achieve more...

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