Monday, August 25, 2008


Are You Suffering from Hidden Hunger and Don’t Know It?

In today’s “eat and run” lifestyle, find a number of people lacking the proper nutrition needed to keep pace in the 21st century way of life.

Does your busy lifestyle cause you to skip breakfast, grab lunch from a fast food joint or how often do you pop something in the microwave for dinner?When your body does not receive the proper nutrition of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains it is suffering from what Doctor Victor Aquayo calls “Hidden Hunger."

Doctor Aquayo UNICEF’s nutritional advisor for West and Central Africa states: “The hidden hunger due to micronutrient deficiency does not produce hunger as we know it. You might not feel it in the belly, but it strikes at the core of your health and vitality."

It’s essential that your body maintain a proper mixture of carbohydrate, vitamins, proteins, fats, water, and minerals to stay healthy. Foods lacking in any one of these essential ingredients place your body in a state of malnutrition, and makes it susceptible to disease and infections.

Here are some tips to keep your body from suffering from Hidden Hunger:

Researchers are studying the cancer-resisting potential of beta-carotene (vitamin A). The body converts the plant pigment in apricots, squash and other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables into vitamin A.Did you know that fiber (roughage) does more than keep you regular? Pectin, aids in preventing the development of gallstones and colon cancer.

Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids. People who eat salmon, mackerel, and other fish tend to have lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol (blood fats implicated in heart disease).

The B’s (Vitamin B’s 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12) comes from the food source of lean meat, green peas, legumes, collard greens, oranges, tuna, eggs, nuts, whole grains, poultry, bananas, and dairy products. The B’s helps growth and muscle tone, proper function of the heart, keeps the lining of digestive tract healthy, and promotes healthy skin, nerves and digestive tract. The B’s assists in the formation of red blood cells and maintains a healthy nervous system. These vitamins are essential for your body’s normal growth and development.
Calcium is not only required for strong bones and teeth it’s essential for normal muscle contraction and relaxation, heart action, nerve function and blood clotting.Chromium works with your body’s insulin to take sugar into the cells it also contributes in the brake down of sugar to energy.

Zinc works with the enzymes in your body making reproductive hormones and your sense of taste. A deficiency in zinc would slow sexual development and loss of taste. It’s also a successful treatment for asthma, bad breath, body odor, burns, wounds, and stuffy nose. With careful study you’ll learn how Vitamins and Minerals are essential in keeping your body healthy.

In the mean time, do yourself a favor, when your body is not receiving the essential nutrients it needs from your diet, take a liquid multi-vitamin (EPIC Ultra) every day!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Resveratrol, currently the single most studied substance in the US. There are more than a few varieties – always be certain of the source – and a number of sources. Recently, red wine has been identified as a potent source of resveratrol. Problem is, one would have to drink 1000 bottles of wine a day to obtain a therapeutic amount.

It is also found in the Japanese knotweed. Dr. David Sinclair, PhD and a biologist and gerontologist at Harvard University, discovered a means of concentrating it by 1000 times so the pill form would contain the equivalent of that much wine.

Resveratrol is the substance behind the so-called “French paradox whereby Frenchmen living in southern France eat a high fat diet yet have no heart disease – it is the Resveratrol in their red wine that completes the paradox. Samurai warriors carried Japanese knotweed on their persons and regularly chewed on the shrub for strength – of course, they didn’t know what they were taking.

Resveratrol is a flavinoid that activates the SIRT-1 anti-aging gene. Its myriad effects and benefits are described in Dr. Jennings article. It is being described as the pharmaceutical fountain of youth or the pharmaceutical fountain of fitness.

Monday, August 18, 2008

World Heart Day!

Sunday, September 28. To estimate your heart disease risk and find out how to better the odds, take the quiz~

Food Safety Education

Toss refrigerated food if a power outage lasts for more than four hours.

Frozen food that still has ice crystals is safe to cook or refreeze.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Highest Antioxidant Fruit Ever

Which fruit is the clear front-runner when it comes to antioxidants? Hint: It’s smaller than a grape and darker than a blueberry. It’s the acai (pronounced "ah-sigh-EE") berry, and it may beat every other fruit or vegetable by a mile. Case in point: The freeze-dried berry has 30 times the disease-arresting anthocyanins of red grapes. Cholesterol, Cancer, and . . .The berries are so nutritious, writes John La Puma, MD, author of ChefMD’s Big Book of Culinary Medicine, that they may help lower bad cholesterol, inhibit inflammation, and fight off arthritis. They may even have cancer-fighting powers. In a lab study, acai berry extract killed between 45 and 86 percent of a sample of human leukemia cells. (Browse La Puma’s book online .)

Drink up, the antioxidant quotient is reason enough to consume this fruit, but acai berries are also chock-full of B vitamins, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, and sulfur. In South America, acai berries are pureed and served warm as a sauce or soup. Go green and get your complete one a day EPIC ULTRA liquid nutritional multi vitamin and mineral from NHR today!

Did you know that if bought the acai powder separate it cost around $25 for a 78 gram jar (so they have you turn the powder into a liquid) or around $45 for a 60 vegetable capsules?

(UPDATE -- I was in Whole Foods yesterday and found bottles of Acai, Goji and Mangosteen for $35.00 each bottle!?) Did you know that EPIC ULTRA is only $19.95 a month and it already has these fruits and all the vitamins and minerals your body needs in ONE formula! WOW!


Acai Super Food in Liquid Nutrition and Health Article

The New #1 Superfood:

The Most Powerful Antioxidant Known In The World

By: Carina MacInnes

There has been a groundbreaking discovery in the field of health and nutrition. Though it has been featured in the media and become an underground buzz, it is still generally unknown.

It is the anti-aging and health re-vitalizing power of a little Brazilian fruit, now declared the new #1 superfood: the acai berry. Before this recent finding the blueberry was acclaimed as the most nutrient rich food. It had been recognized for its extremely powerful antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants are essential for full body health. In the natural process of the body’s workings, cells are constantly metabolizing. This creates byproducts called free radicals. Free radicals are molecules missing an electron. A free radical will seek to stabilize itself and by stealing an electron from a healthy cell. This creates yet another free radical, causing more cell damage. The process snowballs as we age and eventually we begin to feel its effects at around age 35 or 40 - the domino effect of untreated massive cell damage. Things begin to go wrong.

As the unchecked flow of free radicals damages cells we begin to see degeneration, aging and disease. Free radicals can invade a cell wall, damage the DNA, and begin the process that can start cancer. They can invade the cell and cause the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, to slow down or stop working altogether. Depending on where this happens, it can disrupt many of the body’s natural systems - from neuronal firing to hormonal balance. Antioxidants are molecules loaded with extra free electrons. By providing the body with a powerful source of external antioxidants, the free radicals are now able to stabilize themselves by getting their electron from the antioxidants instead of from your cells. This prevents further cell damage.

The blueberry is packed with anthocyanins, an antioxidant phytonutrient which is a far more powerful source of antioxidants than Vitamins A and E. Anthocyanins have been shown to neutralize free radical damage which can result in so many health conditions, such as cataracts, varicose veins, peptic ulcers, heart disease, cancer - the list goes on and on.

Blueberries have been recognized as being far more powerful in supplying antioxidants than wine. Now they have been replaced as the #1 nutrient rich, antioxidant packed anti-aging superfood by the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee).

The acai berry contains the same antioxidant phytonutrients as blueberries, anthocyanins, except in FAR greater amounts. Blueberries have been shown to deliver 38% more anthocyanins than red wine. The acai berry has been shown to be an antioxidant 33 times more powerful than red wine and 5 times more powerful than ginko biloba. Dr. Nicholas Perricone in his new book the Perricone Promise calls the acai berry the most perfect food on the planet. It rates #1 on his list of recommendations of the top ten ingredients to look and feel younger, enjoy revitalized health and decelerate the aging process.

The acai berry is also very unique, being packed with so many nutrients. It has amino acids, which is unheard of in fruits and vegetables in North America. It has the protein content of an egg, the essential fatty acids of olive oil and is rich in the A and B vitamins. It is a ‘multivitamin’ food!Ingesting it has incredible health benefits. Even if you are healthy you will probably notice positive effects as you introduce a more balanced nutrition to your body, including increased energy and mental clarity.Antioxidants have been recognized as an essential part of our diet in order to restore our health and prevent future disease. Now we have access to the most powerful antioxidant ever discovered. This can take our health to whole new levels.What is the best way of adding the exotic acai berry to your diet? The best delivery of an antioxidant is ideally in liquid form, so look for a juice product. Look for a company that responsibly helps to conserve the Brazilian rainforest. Ideally the company is one that is closest to the source, harvesting and processing in Brazil. Make sure the company has the highest quality pharmacological processing in order to ensure that you are getting the best product, and the best results.

About The Author...
Carina MacInnes is a health-conscious writer and entrepreneur, who uses a powerful antioxidant packed juice containing vital amounts of the acai berry and 2 other essential nutrients from the Brazilian rainforest. Try it yourself: drinkacai - For information on how to make a living distributing this top-quality superjuice, visit imagineacai

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


In 1936, the United States government warned the American people in Senate Document 264 that the soil, being used to farm, was seriously deficient in minerals. The document said that the body’s physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals taken into our systems than upon calories, vitamins, or the precise proportion of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume.

60 years after the release of Senate Document 264, the soil is even more depleted of nutrients. The United States is rich and abundant in food, but from the viewpoint of nutrition, people are starving. The agricultural industry has constantly farmed the land without rest, and the soil cannot produce food sufficient in nutrients for our body. The pollution of the air and water has worsened the depletion of soil.

According to the Earth Summit Report in 1992:

Continent % of mineral depletion over the past 100 years
1. Australia 55%
2. Europe 72%
3. Africa 74%
4. Asia 6%
5. South America 76%
6. North America 85%
From the senate document and summit report, we can safely say that every person does not get all the nutrients needed for the body, which threatens and weakens our health. United States Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Joel Wallach researched, for twelve years, the natural deaths of 3000 humans and 17,500 animals of different types through autopsies. He found that the common reason for their deaths was a result of various nutritional deficiencies. Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

Daily Health is needed because not only are we deprived of many minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients, our diets have deviated to fast foods, fatty foods, junk foods, processed foods, refined foods, and a lack of variety of foods. The 1936 Senate Document 264 also said that 99% of Americans are deficient in minerals, and a deficiency of one or more minerals can lead to disease, thus shortening our lives. Minerals are so important, but we cannot get the full supply of it from food any longer. That is why we must get it from supplements and liquid multi vitamin and minerals is the most effective delivery system available today.