Thursday, August 21, 2008


Resveratrol, currently the single most studied substance in the US. There are more than a few varieties – always be certain of the source – and a number of sources. Recently, red wine has been identified as a potent source of resveratrol. Problem is, one would have to drink 1000 bottles of wine a day to obtain a therapeutic amount.

It is also found in the Japanese knotweed. Dr. David Sinclair, PhD and a biologist and gerontologist at Harvard University, discovered a means of concentrating it by 1000 times so the pill form would contain the equivalent of that much wine.

Resveratrol is the substance behind the so-called “French paradox whereby Frenchmen living in southern France eat a high fat diet yet have no heart disease – it is the Resveratrol in their red wine that completes the paradox. Samurai warriors carried Japanese knotweed on their persons and regularly chewed on the shrub for strength – of course, they didn’t know what they were taking.

Resveratrol is a flavinoid that activates the SIRT-1 anti-aging gene. Its myriad effects and benefits are described in Dr. Jennings article. It is being described as the pharmaceutical fountain of youth or the pharmaceutical fountain of fitness.

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