In today’s “eat and run” lifestyle, find a number of people lacking the proper nutrition needed to keep pace in the 21st century way of life.
Does your busy lifestyle cause you to skip breakfast, grab lunch from a fast food joint or how often do you pop something in the microwave for dinner?When your body does not receive the proper nutrition of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains it is suffering from what Doctor Victor Aquayo calls “Hidden Hunger."
Doctor Aquayo UNICEF’s nutritional advisor for West and Central Africa states: “The hidden hunger due to micronutrient deficiency does not produce hunger as we know it. You might not feel it in the belly, but it strikes at the core of your health and vitality."
It’s essential that your body maintain a proper mixture of carbohydrate, vitamins, proteins, fats, water, and minerals to stay healthy. Foods lacking in any one of these essential ingredients place your body in a state of malnutrition, and makes it susceptible to disease and infections.
Here are some tips to keep your body from suffering from Hidden Hunger:
Researchers are studying the cancer-resisting potential of beta-carotene (vitamin A). The body converts the plant pigment in apricots, squash and other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables into vitamin A.Did you know that fiber (roughage) does more than keep you regular? Pectin, aids in preventing the development of gallstones and colon cancer.
Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids. People who eat salmon, mackerel, and other fish tend to have lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol (blood fats implicated in heart disease).
The B’s (Vitamin B’s 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12) comes from the food source of lean meat, green peas, legumes, collard greens, oranges, tuna, eggs, nuts, whole grains, poultry, bananas, and dairy products. The B’s helps growth and muscle tone, proper function of the heart, keeps the lining of digestive tract healthy, and promotes healthy skin, nerves and digestive tract. The B’s assists in the formation of red blood cells and maintains a healthy nervous system. These vitamins are essential for your body’s normal growth and development.
Calcium is not only required for strong bones and teeth it’s essential for normal muscle contraction and relaxation, heart action, nerve function and blood clotting.Chromium works with your body’s insulin to take sugar into the cells it also contributes in the brake down of sugar to energy.
Zinc works with the enzymes in your body making reproductive hormones and your sense of taste. A deficiency in zinc would slow sexual development and loss of taste. It’s also a successful treatment for asthma, bad breath, body odor, burns, wounds, and stuffy nose. With careful study you’ll learn how Vitamins and Minerals are essential in keeping your body healthy.
In the mean time, do yourself a favor, when your body is not receiving the essential nutrients it needs from your diet, take a liquid multi-vitamin (EPIC Ultra) every day!
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