This Information Can Help You Increase Your Defenses Against
Contracting One of the “Eight Deadly Diseases of the Western World."
READ this you will be Blessed!
There are eight deadly diseases throughout much of the world and certainly here in the United States, and in my opinion it is “all about the money”. My personal experience as outlined below is not an illustration of what may happen to you. However, I am convinced that similar results to improve your health can and will happen for most if you change your lifestyle and nutritional intake.
Yes, your life and my life are currently at risk, why, well there are some factors we can control and others are not within our control, but we can change most. We will not be going into all that could or could not be within our control that is not the point of this story. The point of this information is to change the things we can control immediately and learn as you improve your health. A warning is definitely needed for the people of the United States, and particularly for people eating food out of grocery stores and restaurants. Know anyone like that?
Like the aristocrats of ancient Rome, many Americans are literally eating themselves to death, but the Romans were eating healthy and dieing young which, means even eating too much of a good thing is not. It is my opinion that with a little bit of basic knowledge, an effort to make even minor changes can go a long way to maintain and improve or even reverse poor health. The only way to change or improve anything is to take action. Listen, there are 8 major diseases that have been sweeping this country since the 1940's. All of them were virtually unheard of at the turn of the 20th century.
So Please Take Your Time and Read on...
Over the last 10 years or so I have had 7 heart attacks, a stroke which took the hearing in my left ear (which was the good one) and created a chronic vertigo problem for me. I have had 4 different surgeries including a quadruple bypass that had to be repaired 2 months later. I knew almost nothing about health then and still don’t know anymore than what I mostly already knew from living 59 years, except to say that I am just like the majority of people. I have been over eating, eating the wrong things, smoked for over 30 years and didn’t exercise at all. Well I changed that and added a nutritional regime of liquid vitamins, mineral and other major nutrients to my daily intake of food. I am a 59-year-old, over-stressed baby boomer and I was so busy, I ate most of my meals off my lap driving 70 mph in my car. All too frequently I ate to fast as I was driving, and I was either listening to tapes, paying tolls or rushing to my next appointment....all at the same time! I get stressed out all over again just thinking about it. I was clearly on my way to an early death (assuming a head-on collision didn't kill me first). And I am not nor was I the only dummy out there living like this while I was still actively working and research shows that my past lifestyle is the norm for most people.
Hopefully this will open your eyes on what living and eating as an everyday American worker is like, not very pretty, nor is it very bright! Well think about it!
Besides the major health problems, let me share with you why I decided to start taking liquid nutrition to improve my health...
In March 2008, I received an email (SPAMMED) that’s right I was SPAMMED, we all get spammed and if we all did what we should half the Internet would lose their ISP and if things don’t change they just might, that’s another subject.
I found it, or rather it found me, I had just got through ordering and taking another formula of vitamin capsules (12 a day) 4 X 3 a day and I started feeling better, but the monthly fare for these are $53.00 +/- and being limited on disability income, well I just couldn’t see trying to afford it. Even though I did feel a little more energy I still couldn’t see the price tag, the improvement didn’t motivate enough to want to keep paying the freight. It didn’t remove enough pain as what’s his name would suggest, however what it did do was to motivate me to find a less expensive alternative, even though I knew the price of vitamins and minerals of this line up of nutrients are not cheap. Well then the email!
The email I received took me to a video that took me by such surprise that I was shocked and in awe and total disbelief. Not only by what I heard, but the price point of ONLY $19.95 a month for this, it just sounded too good to be true. Even still at the moment I couldn’t do anything because there was no additional money. No I’m not kidding. So I had to wait until next month, this was April and I would run out of the other formula before then and I wanted desperately to try the new liquid formula before then to compare and to make sure that the new formula would work at least as well but I had to wait.
I was taking other pills from the drug store and health food store capsule type vitamins and mineral supplements at the time but frankly they just don’t cut it. Even so I was pretty skeptical about the whole thing and didn't really believe products like that could really help me or anyone else, but the video had me convinced to get the liquid formula and try it. I just wanted to be able to make the bed without having angina every morning and the owner seemed so earnest like he is on a mission.
So I did two things, I ordered a Liquid Multi Vitamin and Mineral Formula a few weeks later (partly because of the money-back guarantee) to test it out and see how it would effect me, and I started to do some of my own research.
Look I am one of those 80+ million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 and already had 7 heart attacks and a stroke that took over the best half of my hearing that also developed into chronic vertigo, I no longer drive for fear of hurting someone or myself. The earliest of the boomers were just turning 50, and I was only 50 at the time of my first heart attack and my body suddenly felt like it was 80. But, I had a lot of living left to do with a new granddaughter that might not know her grandpaw so I was motivated to make a change because I wanted to know how I could keep my health as long as possible, right? Listen I am still just the average consumer who is not interested in having to learn all the stuff about health and just wanted something that works. And I was just tired of being tired all the time! Even though I had changed my diet and I do now exercise most days, was taking vitamins, getting too much rest, I was still POOPED! Now, bear in mind I’m 59 and just starting on the liquid formula.
10 days after starting the liquid formula, I planted 65 juniper plants. Were the two related? I'm not only certain but there is nor has there been any other change in my life. Listen I couldn’t lift an iron skillet 10 days earlier because my elbows hurt so bad, both of them, I felt like screaming when I would wring out a dish rag, let alone dig 65 holes then help plant the majority of 65 plants. And other things started to happen in my body and mind.
I mean immediately after I started on the product, my daily energy went way up. I didn't trust it at first and my wife was telling to take it easy and be careful, but I was jumping out of bed in the morning refreshed and wide-awake, I could finally make the bed without angina or vacuum the living room without angina and have to stop to catch my breath and let the pain subside, amazing! Now, after sleeping like a baby and I sleep soundly, and I actually sleep less overall and feel better, don’t take uncontrolled naps during the day now or in the evening when I am watching my favorite Friday night episode of Monk or House. My mind is sharper and my memory has definitely improved, much to my wife’s dismay (just kidding). I have been able to attend church and participate in the music and listen to the sermon and not feel like I just ran a marathon, praise God.
Who says you can’t have your "cake"…
A few weeks after starting the liquid formula I started waking up with my libido on the rise (not to be vulgar don’t mean to offend) just a fact, I no longer need Viagra. And no I am not going to get into my sex life here, just wanted to share some wonderful news, it was for me anyway.
Listen, you don't have to do much research to find out that there is a wealth of information out there and easy to conclude that reliable facts on how to stay healthy is a mess of contradictory opinions.
One day coffee is bad the next it’s great. One study suggests butter is linked to heart disease, the next study shows hydrogenated oils suppress the immune system and could be a cancer risk, another study says that corn syrup is in every thing we consume except bananas (fresh fruit and vegetables) and is the cause for us being over weight inspite of how much we diet and exercise!
One company is out there promoting nutra-sweet in place of sugar for weight loss and 60 minutes does a piece on CBS suggesting nutra-sweet may lead to tumors in the brain and I can tell you that I had numerous systems (like headaches all the time) and felt ill all the time when using too much nutra-sweet. All those symptoms stopped when I cut out nutra-sweet. So is it moderation in all things or are you just a product of mass media and is eating too much garbage and not enough exercise taking its toll on us. Yeah I know you are a total health nut and exercise until you drop and watch what you eat like a hawk, then contract terminal illnesses and die way too young? Maybe it’s all the other nutrients you’re not getting? Just a question, it cannot hurt to improve what you put into your body.
There is a maze of this kind of stuff, which is why so many people are upset and confused about what to do to maintain their health.
Look, I am not telling you to not study health, but if you’re like me you probably will never get around to it. In the mean time you want to maintain or improve your health and take the best nutrients available to you for the least cost, right?
Here you are:
7 Minute Video will change your life!
Look there has always been something about the "drugs and surgery" approach to health care that never made sense to me. Of course it does now, it's all about the money and since so called physicians who have a license to practice medicine no longer have to cite the oath, you know the one where they state “to first do no harm”? Well, there are a huge number of stories that support the idea that good health results from right choices with regard to food, nutrition, water, exercise and rest. It is concluded by many that if the body is given those five natural tools, it can literally solve almost any problem without a lot of intervention from medical science.
I know that sounds radical, and please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program, but please finish. Take some time to educate yousself and a few moments here to convince yourself about the 10in1 liquid multi formula?
More to the point let me make a statement here that you can use for your own health, which is the purpose of this report. You can take this information apply it in your life so you see noticeable results right away. I mean if you could make real progress and potentially add years of quality living to your life, wouldn't it be worth it? No guarantees of course, but then you can actually be the judge!
Why You Need To Know This - Even If You Think You’re Healthy...
LOOK OUT!!! Would you warn your loved ones or even a complete stranger for that matter if they were about to be run over by a mack truck!?
Most of us assume we are living longer, because life expectancy has gone up in the last 100 years. But the truth is that because there are 8 diseases growing so fast, we are actually living shorter...and taking longer to die because technology keeps us alive longer, but we sacrifice the quality of life in the process. Billions of dollars are and will be made in the very near future.
I used to think that normal aging was the same for everybody, you get a deadly disease, and then you slowly die. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you don’t have to necessarily die of a deadly disease.
Many illnesses and deaths can be slowed or prevented.
Here is the real tragedy. A plane crashes and a few hundred people die, it’s front page news for days. A million people die of heart disease or a half a million die of cancer, it’s not news, where is the outcry? It's the equivalent of a jumbo jet full of people crashing every single hour every single day and every single month for an entire year, year after year. Amazing, isn't it?
Today the average person lives to about 76. That's 79 for women and 72 for men. But in certain areas of the world centenarians are common. We have only lately started to uncover why.
Source for data: National Center for Health Statistics, 1996
Here is the real Danger!
Today, the risk of dying of any thing before you are 40 is really very small. But starting at 40, you enter the den of 8 deadly diseases. How deadly? They kill more than 80% of us.Can you guess what they are?
Heart Disease, Arthritis
Cancer, Osteoporosis
Stroke, Alzheimer
Diabetes, Auto-Immune Disease
These deadly diseases will send millions of people to an early grave this year. Not thousands, but millions!Here's the good news. None of these diseases are necessary or even inevitable.
Research on those who live to one hundred finds them "amazingly frisky" 84% function fine, and 73% rate their health as good to excellent. So what is their secret? They don’t smoke, they like walk, they are rarely overweight, and they take extra vitamins and minerals daily. One of your first goals is to avoid these 8 deadly diseases for as long as possible, of course.
Do Really Know Yourself?
There is an old adage in war, know thy enemy, so who is the enemy, you mean besides ourselves. Look, each of us is being hunted by eight terminal diseases, not to mention all the nuts that try to run us over every day, but that’s another topic for another time, right? If we don't want to be cut down early in life, we need to find out more about these diseases so we can understand how to do battle with them and win. But our you the one who is going to wage the war? Doubtful, so all you can do is try to protect yourself and your loved ones, pretty basic but will you do it?
Heart Disease
Heart disease kills a million people a year in North America alone, and millions
in the world. It's an epidemic where somebody dies at least every 32 seconds.
But just what is it? It's a disease you eat. Improper diet causes a sludge called plaque to slowly clog up your arteries, stopping the flow of vital oxygen and nutrients to your heart muscles. When your arteries finally fill up enough you have a heart attack. For most it's a total surprise. They had no idea their arteries were clogged neither did I do you?
Heart disease is a $40 billion dollar a year industry with bypass surgery and angioplasty the most lucrative medical procedures. It couldn’t be all about the money, could it? So how can you decrease the risk of heart disease?
Change your diet, exercise regularly take a liquid whole-food nutritional supplement that contains the major nutrients. Check with your doctor.
As Dr. Michael Colgan, world famous expert on nutrition, has said: "Do not fear
cardiovascular disease. It's the easiest of all man-made diseases to prevent and reverse if only you follow the right nutrition, plus a little easy exercise to blow away the cobwebs."
Don’t fear it, change your lifestyle change your life.
Cancer is the most feared and most expensive of all diseases and for good reason.
According to Dr. Patrick Quillin, a cancer expert, "Scientists agree that nearly all individuals develop undetectable cancer about 6 times in a 70 year life span. Yet only one of three people actually develops overgrown and detectable cancer. The body is equipped to deal with cancer, but this process relies heavily on nutrition. Proper nutrition could prevent from 50-90% of all cancer.
6 times in your life! WOW!
Change your diet, exercise regularly take a liquid whole-food nutritional supplement that contains the major nutrients. Check with your doctor.
Eat organic whenever possible, this is the new rage although higher in price! You will improve your diet and you also get the added benefit of supporting sustainable agriculture. Mega-farms can't do it so it's great for the small family farmer.
Petrified of cancer, well stroke kills more women than breast cancer, and more men than prostate cancer.
You don't want to be a stroke victim and you may not have to be. Follow the same regime for heart disease to limit your risk of stroke.
Change your diet, exercise regularly take a liquid whole-food nutritional supplement that contains the major nutrients. Check with your doctor.
Over sixteen million North Americans suffer from diabetes, with millions more
worldwide. It's on the rise and one in twenty of us will eventually get it. It's a major threat to our health. The longer you live, the greater the chance that you'll eventually develop diabetes. 40% to 60% of eighty-year-olds have it. Peripheral neuropathy is a terrible side effect of diabetes leading to nerve damage in the extremities and the eyes. Amputation of limbs and blindness are common among those with advanced type II diabetes. Every year, diabetes kills
300,000 people, and leaves countless thousands of others in a state of misery from the symptoms of the disease.
A wake-up call!
In industrialized countries such as ours, blood sugar and insulin levels rise with age.
Mounting evidence suggests that sugar, fiber and fat each play a major role:
Dietary Causes of Type II Diabetes
* High Fat intake
* Obesity
* Sugar-fiber ratio too high
At least 80% of type II diabetics are obese. High-sugar, low-fiber diets cause blood sugar spiking and elevated insulin, which impairs the insulin receptors.
You don't want to get diabetes. It's a miserable thing to deal with. Here are some things you can do that research shows could put the odds back in your favor:
Change your diet, exercise regularly take a liquid whole-food nutritional supplement that contains the major nutrients. Check with your doctor.
Forty three million of us have arthritis. Arthritis affects the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and covering of internal organs. The three most common are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) which favors younger women, osteoarthritis (OA) which favors older women, and gout, which favors indulgent males as it's victim of choice. You might think it only happens to old people, but the average age at which arthritis strikes is 47 - hardly over the hill. And 80% of Americans develop some degree of arthritis by the age of 60. According to the National Institute of Health, arthritis accounts for more disability among middle-aged and older adults than any other affliction. If you hate pain, then you can take a few simple, inexpensive steps that might lower your chances of getting arthritis.
These recommendations can also benefit people who currently have arthritis: Change your diet, exercise regularly take a liquid whole-food nutritional supplement that contains the major nutrients you need. Check with your doctor.
Twenty-five million of us suffer from osteoporosis, or brittle bone disease. 80% of are women over the age of 50. You've heard about older people falling and breaking their hips. In many cases, it's just the reverse. She was walking in the mall and her hip spontaneously broke and then she fell and it all started in her thirties.
What does this mean to you?
A third of the women over 65 suffer fractured vertebrae or fractured hips. And not to leave the men out, by age 80, a sixth of the men also break a hip.
------Michael Klaper, M.D. Institute of Nutrition Education and Research
Vegetarian women, on average, have lower calcium intakes, lower estrogen levels and greater bone densities than meat eating women.
Change your diet, exercise regularly take a liquid whole-food nutritional supplement that contains the major nutrients. Check with your doctor.
Although it was identified in 1907, it wasn't until President Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with it that the public took notice. Now experts predict that the longer you live, the more likely it is you'll get Alzheimer's. 10% of people over 65 have it.
20% of people over 75 have it. 40% of people over 85 have it. That amounts to about four million of us. You don't want to come within one hundred miles of this disease.
The good news is that 20-30% of those diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and
other types of dementia don't actually have the disease at all. They have, instead, a deficiency of a single, specific vitamin. That vitamin is B12. When given simple B12 supplements, the symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia disappeared.
Have you ever known an older person who was senile? Could it be that they just hadn't taken enough vitamins? According to Dr. Irwin H. Rosenberg of the US
Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University, "Much mental deterioration associated with aging can be prevented or reversed by vitamins."
Recommendation would be the same as for all the other diseases. Eat like a peasant! Take your liquid multi whole food vitamins. Exercise. Drink water. Rest. Check with your doctor but make the necessary changes to improve your health please!
Auto-immune Disease
Basically, if you have an auto-immune disorder like Lupus, fibromyalgia, aids, MS or chronic fatigue syndrome, it means that your own immune system is working against you instead of for you.
My wife and I agonized for several years with our daughter who was diagnosed with CFID (chronic fatigue immune deficiency) and the Epstein Barr Virus and I can tell that when she was diagnosed the Center for Disease Control was denying it even existed and by the time we were through we knew more than most doctors (although they wouldn’t admit) and several even had the brass to tell us that our daughter was just fat and lazy! Can you believe it! My wife told a few of them that they were fat in the head and lazy and shame on them for their attitudes.
These are all unique and complicated disorders and because they are lumped together here, we can only talk in general terms. Of course what you want to have is a strong immune system that can keep viruses, bacteria, food allergens and environmental invaders from overwhelming your body. When your immune system collapses, or is constantly working overtime on the wrong stuff, or is attacking your own tissues, it leads to all sorts of debilitating symptoms. Current research suggests that "leaky gut" syndrome can play a major role in many of the auto-immune diseases. Leaky gut happens when yeast grows out of control (candida) and penetrates the stomach or intestinal wall creating pathways for undigested food particles to enter the blood stream directly.
Out of control yeast growth can be caused by many things, but the primary culprit seems to be an overuse of anti-biotics as it was with our daughter, (yes we were trying to be good parents) which kill the friendly, yeast-eating bacteria in the gut. So use antibiotics only when absolutely necessary. By the way have you ever thought about anti (against) bio (life). Did you know that there is such a thing as Pro –biotic or a pro life supplement that will help rebuild your immune system? I'll share that information another time, but for now.
That's it those are the top 8 diseases of the Western world. Isn't it fascinating that the research would suggest such a remarkably similar fix for such a diverse set of diseases? In every case conditions are helped by moving toward a plant-centered diet and away from an animal centered one; by increasing fiber and decreasing fat; and by adding a high quality, whole-food supplement with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Ask yourself a question, do you eat to live or do you live to eat? The balls in your court, what are going to do with it?
NOTE: I am not trying to convert you to become a vegetarian, and I am not one. As with all things I believe meats are fine in moderation, you can change your lifestyle, diet and exercise and change your life. The time to eat drink and be merry is over, lets get down to business.
Isn't interesting that all of the things you need to do are the same for all diseases for the most part of course with some differences with each disease and please do check with your doctor.
God Bless You and Yours and may He keep You in All that You do!
Friday, June 13, 2008
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