Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Red vs. Orange Tomatoes: Which Are Best?

New study findings from Ohio State University suggest that swapping red tomatoes for orange ones could provide a health boost. Apparently, your body absorbs the lycopene in orange tomatoes quicker than that which is available in red tomatoes.Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that provides cardiovascular support. It also has been shown to play a role in protecting your prostate and other parts of the body from abnormal cell growth.The latest study involved a group of healthy, non-smokers—10 male and 11 female. Participants ate lunches containing 300 grams of sauce made from either tangerine or red tomatoes each day.Study data showed that, while both sauces increased blood concentrations of lycopene—the increase was GREATER in folks who ate tomato sauce made with orange tomatoes!

This new study finding was published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

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